Load One or More GitHub Packages


p_load_gh(..., char, install = TRUE, update = getOption("pac_update"))


Character vector containing repository address to load. If you are calling p_load_gh from within a function (or just having difficulties calling it using a character vector input) then pass your character vector of packages to load to this parameter directly.
logical. If TRUE will attempt to install a package not found in the library.
logical. If TRUE will attempt to update all out of date packages. Default allows the user to set a "pac_update" in his/her .Rprofile.
Repository address(es) in the format username/repo[/subdir][@ref|#pull]. Note that this must be a character string.

Load One or More GitHub Packages

Load One or More GitHub Packages


This function is a wrapper for install_github and require. It checks to see if a package is installed, if not it attempts to install the package from GitHub.


## <strong>Not run</strong>: # p_load_gh("Dasonk/Dmisc", "trinker/regexr") # # p_load_gh(c("trinker/regexTools", # "hadley/lubridate", # "ramnathv/rCharts")) # ## <strong>End(Not run)</strong>