Presentation Template


presentation(presentation = "presentation", type = c("rnw", "rmd"), theme = "Madrid", 
  bib.loc = getOption("bib.loc"), name = getOption("name.reports"), github.user = getOption("github.user"), 
      sources = getOption("sources.reports"), path = getwd(), present = getOption("present.template"), 
      open =, github = FALSE, ...)


A character vector of length two or one: (1) the main directory name and (2) sub directory names (i.e., all the file contents will be imprinted with this name). If the length of report is one this name will be used as the main directory name and all sub directories and files.
A vector of the file format types. Any combination of the following: rnw, rmd or pptx. rnw corresponds to a beamer slides (.Rnw file), rmd corresponds to a html5 (compliments of slidify) slides (.Rmd file) and docx corresponds to PowerPoint slides (.pptx file).
Beamer theme to use. If NULL presentation will allow the user to choose interactively.
Optional path to a .bib resource.
A character vector of the user's name to be used on the report.
GitHub user name (character string).
A vector of path(s) to other scripts to be sourced in the report project upon startup (adds this location to the report project's .Rprofile).
The path to where the project should be created. Default is the current working directory.
The template to be used in the PRESENTATION .Rmd/.Rpres. This can be one of the types from slidify_templates , "rstudio" (this generates a .Rpres file), or a path to an .Rmd/.Rpres file. This argument will be overrode if a custom reports template is supplied with an .Rmd file in the inst directory named slidify.Rmd (‘~inst/slidify.Rmd’). Or an .Rpres file in the inst directory named rstudio.Rpres (‘~inst/slidify.Rmd’).
logical. If TRUE the project will be opened in RStudio. The default is to test if presentation is being used in the global environment, if it is then the project directory will be opened.
logical. If TRUE the repo will be sent to public GitHub account.
Other arguments passed to author.


Creates a presentation template.


Generate a presentation template to increase efficiency. This is a lighter weight version of new_report that focuses on the presentation.


The user may want to set options for bib.loc, github.user, name.reports sources.reports,slidify.template and reveraljs.loc in the user's primary .Rprofile:

  1. bib.loc - The path to the user's primary bibliography
  2. github.user - GitHub user name
  3. name.reports - The name to use on reports
  4. sources.reports - Path(s) to additional files/scripts that should be included to be sourced in the project startup
  5. slidify.template - Path to, or defualt, .Rmd file tempalte for use in as the .Rmd used in the slidify presentations (see slidify_templates for possible non-path arguments)


## presentation("New")

See also

new_report, slidify_templates, author Installation section of reveal.js GitHub