Convert md to HTML5 Slides


html5(in.file = NULL, out.file = NULL, type = "dzslides", = "References", 
  refs.cex = 15, path = file.path(getwd(), "PRESENTATION"), hi.cex = 25)


A character vector of the md file.
A character vector of the outfile. If "replace" over writes the original HTML file. Default, NULL, uses the root name of the in.file plus a number 2.
A character string of the desired slide type; either c("slidy" or "dzslides").
The title of the reference page (adds hanging indent and reduces font size). If NULL references slide will not be adjusted. If reference title is not found a warning will print.
The font size to make the references.
The path to where the documents reside/should be created. Default is the PRESENTATION directory. This conveniently allows for non paths to be supplied to in.file and out.file. Paths can be supplied to in.file and out.file by setting path to NULL.
The font size to make the hanging indent coded text if hi code chunk is used.


Uses to convert md to HTML5 DZSlides slides or slidy and provides minor modifications (e.g., embedded youtube and hanging indent text).


The user must have Pandoc installed and on their path. Pandoc can be installed from:

Code Chunks

The following convenience code chunks are implemented:

  1. hi - Wrapping text with this code chunk will result in hanging indentation. Use hi.cex to control the font size of the text.
  2. yt - Wrap a youtube url or tag to embed a youtube video
Code chunks use the following form: [[[text]]]=code.tag (e.g., [[[cokNUTGtoM4]]]=yt embeds a youtube video. Currently this is a convenience feature that may have unexpected results and may need additional tweaking within the html output. When using embedded youtube, slide titles and text are ignored but may effect the spacing of the player. User additions are welcomed.

reports based code chunks are for convenience. For more control many HTML tags work with Rmarkdown. The output code can also be manipulated for finer control.


html5 is deprecated and will be removed from reports in a version subsequent to version 0.2.0. It is recomended for the user to become familiar with the slidify approach to html5 presentations as this will be the framework used by the reports package.


## Not run: # #Run after running knitr on an Rmd file# html5() #assumes location of html file out of the box# ## End(Not run)

See also



Ananda Mahto & Tyler Rinker