Format Quotes


GQ(quotes = TRUE, block = TRUE, text = "clipboard", copy2clip = interactive(), invisible = FALSE)

QQ(text = "clipboard", copy2clip = interactive())


logical or c(l, r, L, R, left or right). If TRUE LaTeX style quotes (2 backticks and two single quotes) are wrapped around the text. If (l, L or left) left ticks only are used. If (r, R or right) right ticks only are used.
logical. If TRUE LaTeX block quote code tags are used instead of the backticks and single quotes.
A character vector or text copied to the clipboard. Default is to read from the clipboard.
logical. If TRUE attempts to copy the output to the clipboard.
logical. If TRUE will not print to the console.


GQ - Returns formatted text for use with LaTeX documents.

QQ - Returns formatted text for use with notes.xslx or notes.csv.


GQ - Tool to grab quote and format the text taken from articles for LaTeX. Combines multiple stringed text into one string. Removes non ascii characters and hyphens.

QQ - Tool to grab a quote and format the text taken from articles for use in the directory notes.xslx or notes.csv. Combines multiple stringed text into one string. Removes non ascii characters and hyphens.


Ligatures parsing is very good, however, these elements may be incorrect. If a warning is thrown check the use of "ff", "fi", "fl", "ffi" and "ffl".


x1 <- "Note Many functions in reports assume (a) you're using RStudio (b) the main report directory is set as the working directory. While the default behavior is less flexible it increases efficiency." GQ(text=x1)
``Note Many functions in reports assume (a) you're using RStudio (b).the main report directory is set as the working directory. While the.default behavior is less flexible it increases efficiency.''
Note Many functions in reports assume (a) you're using RStudio (b) the main report directory is set as the working directory. While the default behavior is less flexible it increases efficiency.