Construct Human Readable Regular Expressions




A series of comma separated character strings (sub-expressions) that may optionally be named, commented (see ?`%:)%`, and indented.

Construct Human Readable Regular Expressions


Returns a character vector of the class regexr. The attributes of the returned object retain the original name and comment properties.


This function is used to construct human readable regular expressions from sub-expressions. The user may provide additional meta information about each sub-expression. This meta information is an optional name and comment for the sub-expressions. This allows one to write regular expressions in a fashion similar to writing code, that is the regular expression is written top to bottom, the syntax is broken up into manageable chunks, the sub-expressions can be indented to give structural insight such as nested groups. Finally, sub-expressions can be commented to provide linguistic grounding for more complex sub-expressions.


## Minimal Example minimal <- construct("a", "b", "c") minimal
[1] "abc"
[[1]] [1] "a" [[2]] [1] "b" [[3]] [1] "c"
[[1]] NULL [[2]] NULL [[3]] NULL
[[1]] [1] "a" [[2]] [1] "b" [[3]] [1] "c"
$regex [1] TRUE $subexpressions [1] TRUE TRUE TRUE
abc ===
## Example 1 m <- construct( space = "\\s+" %:)% "I see", simp = "(?<=(foo))", or = "(;|:)\\s*" %:)% "comment on what this does", is_then = "[ia]s th[ae]n" ) m
[1] "\\s+(?<=(foo))(;|:)\\s*[ia]s th[ae]n"
$space [1] "\\s+" $simp [1] "(?<=(foo))" $or [1] "(;|:)\\s*" $is_then [1] "[ia]s th[ae]n"
\s+(?<=(foo))(;|:)\s*[ia]s th[ae]n ==================================
SUB-EXPR 1: \s+ NAME : space COMMENT : "I see" SUB-EXPR 2: (?<=(foo)) NAME : simp COMMENT : SUB-EXPR 3: (;|:)\s* NAME : or COMMENT : "comment on what this does" SUB-EXPR 4: [ia]s th[ae]n NAME : is_then COMMENT :
$space [1] "\\s+" $simp [1] "(?<=(foo))" $or [1] "(;|:)\\s*" $is_then [1] "[ia]s th[ae]n"
$space [1] "I see" $simp NULL $or [1] "comment on what this does" $is_then NULL
subs(m)[4] <- "(FO{2})|(BAR)" summary(m)
\s+(?<=(foo))(;|:)\s*(FO{2})|(BAR) ==================================
SUB-EXPR 1: \s+ NAME : space COMMENT : "I see" SUB-EXPR 2: (?<=(foo)) NAME : simp COMMENT : SUB-EXPR 3: (;|:)\s* NAME : or COMMENT : "comment on what this does" SUB-EXPR 4: (FO{2})|(BAR) NAME : is_then COMMENT :
$regex [1] TRUE $subexpressions space simp or is_then TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE
subs(m)[5:7] <- c("(", "([A-Z]|(\\d{5})", ")") test(m)
Warning message: The concatenated regex is not valid \s+(?<=(foo))(;|:)\s*(FO{2})|(BAR)(([A-Z]|(\d{5})) Warning message: The following regex sub-expressions are not valid in isolation: (1) ( (2) ([A-Z]|(\d{5}) (3) )
$regex [1] FALSE $subexpressions space simp or is_then TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE
library(qdapRegex) explain(m)
NODE EXPLANATION -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \\s+ whitespace (\n, \r, \t, \f, and " ") (1 or more times (matching the most amount possible)) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (?<= look behind to see if there is: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ( group and capture to \\1: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- foo 'foo' -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ) end of \\1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ) end of look-behind -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ( group and capture to \\2: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ';' -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | OR -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : ':' -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ) end of \\2 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \\s* whitespace (\n, \r, \t, \f, and " ") (0 or more times (matching the most amount possible)) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ( group and capture to \\3: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- F 'F' -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- O{2} 'O' (2 times) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ) end of \\3 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | OR -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ( group and capture to \\4: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BAR 'BAR' -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ) end of \\4 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ( group and capture to \\5: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ( group and capture to \\6: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [A-Z] any character of: 'A' to 'Z' -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | OR -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ( group and capture to \\7: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \\d{5} digits (0-9) (5 times) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ) end of \\7 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ) end of \\6 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ) end of \\5
## Example 2 (Twitter Handle 2 ways) ## Bigger Sub-expressions twitter <- construct( no_at_wrd = "(?<![@\\w])" %:)% "Ensure doesn't start with @ or a word", at = "(@)" %:)% "Capture starting with @ symbol", handle = "(([a-z0-9_]{1,15})\\b)" %:)% "Any 15 letters, numbers, or underscores" ) ## Smaller Sub-expressions twitter <- construct( no_at_wrd = "(?<![@\\w])" %:)% "Ensure doesn't start with @ or a word", at = "(@)" %:)% "Capture starting with @ symbol", s_gr1 = "(" %:)% "GROUP 1 START", handle = "([a-z0-9_]{1,15})" %:)% "Any 15 letters, numbers, or underscores", boundary = "\\b", e_gr1 = ")" %:)%"GROUP 1 END" ) twitter
[1] "(?<![@\\w])(@)(([a-z0-9_]{1,15})\\b)"
$no_at_wrd [1] "(?<![@\\w])" $at [1] "(@)" $s_gr1 [1] "(" $handle [1] "([a-z0-9_]{1,15})" $boundary [1] "\\b" $e_gr1 [1] ")"
$no_at_wrd [1] "Ensure doesn't start with @ or a word" $at [1] "Capture starting with @ symbol" $s_gr1 [1] "GROUP 1 START" $handle [1] "Any 15 letters, numbers, or underscores" $boundary NULL $e_gr1 [1] "GROUP 1 END"
$no_at_wrd [1] "(?<![@\\w])" $at [1] "(@)" $s_gr1 [1] "(" $handle [1] "([a-z0-9_]{1,15})" $boundary [1] "\\b" $e_gr1 [1] ")"
(?<![@\w])(@)(([a-z0-9_]{1,15})\b) ==================================
SUB-EXPR 1: (?<![@\w]) NAME : no_at_wrd COMMENT : "Ensure doesn't start with @ or a word" SUB-EXPR 2: (@) NAME : at COMMENT : "Capture starting with @ symbol" SUB-EXPR 3: ( NAME : s_gr1 COMMENT : "GROUP 1 START" SUB-EXPR 4: ([a-z0-9_]{1,15}) NAME : handle COMMENT : "Any 15 letters, numbers, or underscores" SUB-EXPR 5: \b NAME : boundary COMMENT : SUB-EXPR 6: ) NAME : e_gr1 COMMENT : "GROUP 1 END"
Warning message: The following regex sub-expressions are not valid in isolation: (1) ( (2) )
$regex [1] TRUE $subexpressions no_at_wrd at s_gr1 handle boundary e_gr1 TRUE TRUE FALSE TRUE TRUE FALSE
NODE EXPLANATION -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (?<! look behind to see if there is not: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [@\\w] any character of: '@', word characters (a-z, A-Z, 0-9, _) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ) end of look-behind -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ( group and capture to \\1: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- @ '@' -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ) end of \\1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ( group and capture to \\2: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ( group and capture to \\3: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [a-z0-9_]{1,15} any character of: 'a' to 'z', '0' to '9', '_' (between 1 and 15 times (matching the most amount possible)) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ) end of \\3 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \\b the boundary between a word char (\\w) and something that is not a word char -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ) end of \\2
x <- c("@hadley I like #rstats for #ggplot2 work.", "Difference between #magrittr and #pipeR, both implement pipeline operators for #rstats: @timelyportfolio", "Slides from great talk: @ramnath_vaidya: Interactive slides from Interactive Visualization presentation #user2014.", " is my email", "A non valid Twitter is @abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" ) library(qdapRegex) rm_default(x, pattern = twitter, extract = TRUE)
[[1]] [1] "@hadley" [[2]] [1] "@timelyportfolio" [[3]] [1] "@ramnath_vaidya" [[4]] [1] NA [[5]] [1] NA
## Example 3 (Modular Sub-expression Chunks) combined <- construct( twitter = twitter %:)%"Twitter regex created previously", or = "|" %:)%"Join handle regex & hash tag regex", hash = grab("@rm_hash") %:)%"Twitter hash tag regex" ) combined
[1] "(?<![@\\w])(@)(([a-z0-9_]{1,15})\\b)|(?<!/)((#)(\\w+))"
$twitter [1] "(?<![@\\w])(@)(([a-z0-9_]{1,15})\\b)" attr(,"subs") attr(,"subs")$no_at_wrd [1] "(?<![@\\w])" attr(,"subs")$at [1] "(@)" attr(,"subs")$s_gr1 [1] "(" attr(,"subs")$handle [1] "([a-z0-9_]{1,15})" attr(,"subs")$boundary [1] "\\b" attr(,"subs")$e_gr1 [1] ")" attr(,"comments") attr(,"comments")$no_at_wrd [1] "Ensure doesn't start with @ or a word" attr(,"comments")$at [1] "Capture starting with @ symbol" attr(,"comments")$s_gr1 [1] "GROUP 1 START" attr(,"comments")$handle [1] "Any 15 letters, numbers, or underscores" attr(,"comments")$boundary NULL attr(,"comments")$e_gr1 [1] "GROUP 1 END" $or [1] "|" $hash [1] "(?<!/)((#)(\\w+))"
$twitter [1] "Twitter regex created previously" $or [1] "Join handle regex & hash tag regex" $hash [1] "Twitter hash tag regex"
$twitter [1] "(?<![@\\w])(@)(([a-z0-9_]{1,15})\\b)" attr(,"subs") attr(,"subs")$no_at_wrd [1] "(?<![@\\w])" attr(,"subs")$at [1] "(@)" attr(,"subs")$s_gr1 [1] "(" attr(,"subs")$handle [1] "([a-z0-9_]{1,15})" attr(,"subs")$boundary [1] "\\b" attr(,"subs")$e_gr1 [1] ")" attr(,"comments") attr(,"comments")$no_at_wrd [1] "Ensure doesn't start with @ or a word" attr(,"comments")$at [1] "Capture starting with @ symbol" attr(,"comments")$s_gr1 [1] "GROUP 1 START" attr(,"comments")$handle [1] "Any 15 letters, numbers, or underscores" attr(,"comments")$boundary NULL attr(,"comments")$e_gr1 [1] "GROUP 1 END" $or [1] "|" $hash [1] "(?<!/)((#)(\\w+))"
(?<![@\w])(@)(([a-z0-9_]{1,15})\b)|(?<!/)((#)(\w+)) ===================================================
SUB-EXPR 1: (?<![@\w])(@)(([a-z0-9_]{1,15})\b) NAME : twitter COMMENT : "Twitter regex created previously" SUB-EXPR 2: | NAME : or COMMENT : "Join handle regex & hash tag regex" SUB-EXPR 3: (?<!/)((#)(\w+)) NAME : hash COMMENT : "Twitter hash tag regex"
$regex [1] TRUE $subexpressions twitter or hash TRUE TRUE TRUE
NODE EXPLANATION -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (?<! look behind to see if there is not: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [@\\w] any character of: '@', word characters (a-z, A-Z, 0-9, _) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ) end of look-behind -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ( group and capture to \\1: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- @ '@' -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ) end of \\1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ( group and capture to \\2: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ( group and capture to \\3: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [a-z0-9_]{1,15} any character of: 'a' to 'z', '0' to '9', '_' (between 1 and 15 times (matching the most amount possible)) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ) end of \\3 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \\b the boundary between a word char (\\w) and something that is not a word char -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ) end of \\2 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | OR -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (?<! look behind to see if there is not: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- / '/' -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ) end of look-behind -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ( group and capture to \\4: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ( group and capture to \\5: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ) end of \\5 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ) end of \\4
## Different Structure (no names): Example from Martin Fowler: ## *Note: Fowler argues for improved choices in regex representation ## and names that make the regex functionality more evident, commenting ## only where needed. See: ## browseURL("") pattern <- construct( '@"^score', '\\s+', '(\\d+)' %:)% 'points', '\\s+', 'for', '\\s+', '(\\d+)' %:)% 'number of nights', '\\s+', 'night' , 's?' %:)% 'optional plural', '\\s+', 'at', '\\s+', '(.*)' %:)% 'hotel name', '";' ) summary(pattern)
@"^score\s+(\d+)\s+for\s+(\d+)\s+nights?\s+at\s+(.*)"; ======================================================
SUB-EXPR 1: @"^score NAME : COMMENT : SUB-EXPR 2: \s+ NAME : COMMENT : SUB-EXPR 3: (\d+) NAME : COMMENT : "points" SUB-EXPR 4: \s+ NAME : COMMENT : SUB-EXPR 5: for NAME : COMMENT : SUB-EXPR 6: \s+ NAME : COMMENT : SUB-EXPR 7: (\d+) NAME : COMMENT : "number of nights" SUB-EXPR 8: \s+ NAME : COMMENT : SUB-EXPR 9: night NAME : COMMENT : SUB-EXPR 10: s? NAME : COMMENT : "optional plural" SUB-EXPR 11: \s+ NAME : COMMENT : SUB-EXPR 12: at NAME : COMMENT : SUB-EXPR 13: \s+ NAME : COMMENT : SUB-EXPR 14: (.*) NAME : COMMENT : "hotel name" SUB-EXPR 15: "; NAME : COMMENT :