Generic Method to Coerce to regexr


as.regexr(x, names = TRUE, comments = TRUE, names.above = FALSE, comments.below = FALSE, ...)


An object to coerce to a regexr object.
logical. Should names be included in the construct script?
logical. Should comments be included in the construct script?
logical. Should ames be included above the regex in the construct script? If FALSE names are placed in front of the sub-expressions.
logical. Should comments be included below the sub-expressions in the construct script? If FALSE comments are placed behind the sub-expressions.
Other arguments passed to as.regexr methods.

Generic Method to Coerce to regexr


Returns a dual regexr and reverse_construct object.


Coerce an object to regexr class.


library("qdapRegex") (myregex <- grab("@rm_time2"))
[1] "(\\d{0,2}:\\d{2}(?:[:.]\\d+)?)(\\s+(([AP]\\.{0,1}M\\.{0,1})|([ap]\\.{0,1}m\\.{0,1})))"
out <- as.regexr(myregex) out
[1] "(\\d{0,2}:\\d{2}(?:[:.]\\d+)?)(\\s+(([AP]\\.{0,1}M\\.{0,1})|([ap]\\.{0,1}m\\.{0,1})))"
(\d{0,2}:\d{2}(?:[:.]\d+)?)(\s+(([AP]\.{0,1}M\.{0,1})|([ap]\.{0,1}m\.{0,1}))) =============================================================================
SUB-EXPR 1: ( NAME : 1 COMMENT : "group and capture to \\1:" SUB-EXPR 2: \d{0,2} NAME : 2 COMMENT : "digits (0-9) (between 0 and 2 times (matching the most amount possible))" SUB-EXPR 3: : NAME : 3 COMMENT : "':'" SUB-EXPR 4: \d{2} NAME : 4 COMMENT : "digits (0-9) (2 times)" SUB-EXPR 5: (?: NAME : 5 COMMENT : "group, but do not capture (optional (matching the most amount possible)):" SUB-EXPR 6: [:.] NAME : 6 COMMENT : "any character of: ':', '.'" SUB-EXPR 7: \d+ NAME : 7 COMMENT : "digits (0-9) (1 or more times (matching the most amount possible))" SUB-EXPR 8: )? NAME : 8 COMMENT : "end of grouping" SUB-EXPR 9: ) NAME : 9 COMMENT : "end of \\1" SUB-EXPR 10: ( NAME : 10 COMMENT : "group and capture to \\2:" SUB-EXPR 11: \s+ NAME : 11 COMMENT : "whitespace (\n, \r, \t, \f, and " ") (1 or more times (matching the most amount possible))" SUB-EXPR 12: ( NAME : 12 COMMENT : "group and capture to \\3:" SUB-EXPR 13: ( NAME : 13 COMMENT : "group and capture to \\4:" SUB-EXPR 14: [AP] NAME : 14 COMMENT : "any character of: 'A', 'P'" SUB-EXPR 15: \.{0,1} NAME : 15 COMMENT : "'.' (between 0 and 1 times (matching the most amount possible))" SUB-EXPR 16: M NAME : 16 COMMENT : "'M'" SUB-EXPR 17: \.{0,1} NAME : 17 COMMENT : "'.' (between 0 and 1 times (matching the most amount possible))" SUB-EXPR 18: ) NAME : 18 COMMENT : "end of \\4" SUB-EXPR 19: | NAME : 19 COMMENT : "OR" SUB-EXPR 20: ( NAME : 20 COMMENT : "group and capture to \\5:" SUB-EXPR 21: [ap] NAME : 21 COMMENT : "any character of: 'a', 'p'" SUB-EXPR 22: \.{0,1} NAME : 22 COMMENT : "'.' (between 0 and 1 times (matching the most amount possible))" SUB-EXPR 23: m NAME : 23 COMMENT : "'m'" SUB-EXPR 24: \.{0,1} NAME : 24 COMMENT : "'.' (between 0 and 1 times (matching the most amount possible))" SUB-EXPR 25: ) NAME : 25 COMMENT : "end of \\5" SUB-EXPR 26: ) NAME : 26 COMMENT : "end of \\3" SUB-EXPR 27: ) NAME : 27 COMMENT : "end of \\2"
$`1` [1] "group and capture to \\\\1:" $`2` [1] "digits (0-9) (between 0 and 2 times (matching the most amount possible))" $`3` [1] "':'" $`4` [1] "digits (0-9) (2 times)" $`5` [1] "group, but do not capture (optional (matching the most amount possible)):" $`6` [1] "any character of: ':', '.'" $`7` [1] "digits (0-9) (1 or more times (matching the most amount possible))" $`8` [1] "end of grouping" $`9` [1] "end of \\\\1" $`10` [1] "group and capture to \\\\2:" $`11` [1] "whitespace (\\n, \\r, \\t, \\f, and \" \") (1 or more times (matching the most amount possible))" $`12` [1] "group and capture to \\\\3:" $`13` [1] "group and capture to \\\\4:" $`14` [1] "any character of: 'A', 'P'" $`15` [1] "'.' (between 0 and 1 times (matching the most amount possible))" $`16` [1] "'M'" $`17` [1] "'.' (between 0 and 1 times (matching the most amount possible))" $`18` [1] "end of \\\\4" $`19` [1] "OR" $`20` [1] "group and capture to \\\\5:" $`21` [1] "any character of: 'a', 'p'" $`22` [1] "'.' (between 0 and 1 times (matching the most amount possible))" $`23` [1] "'m'" $`24` [1] "'.' (between 0 and 1 times (matching the most amount possible))" $`25` [1] "end of \\\\5" $`26` [1] "end of \\\\3" $`27` [1] "end of \\\\2"
$`1` [1] "(" $`2` [1] "\\d{0,2}" $`3` [1] ":" $`4` [1] "\\d{2}" $`5` [1] "(?:" $`6` [1] "[:.]" $`7` [1] "\\d+" $`8` [1] ")?" $`9` [1] ")" $`10` [1] "(" $`11` [1] "\\s+" $`12` [1] "(" $`13` [1] "(" $`14` [1] "[AP]" $`15` [1] "\\.{0,1}" $`16` [1] "M" $`17` [1] "\\.{0,1}" $`18` [1] ")" $`19` [1] "|" $`20` [1] "(" $`21` [1] "[ap]" $`22` [1] "\\.{0,1}" $`23` [1] "m" $`24` [1] "\\.{0,1}" $`25` [1] ")" $`26` [1] ")" $`27` [1] ")"
Warning message: The following regex sub-expressions are not valid in isolation: (1) ( (2) (?: (3) )? (4) ) (5) ( (6) ( (7) ( (8) ) (9) ( (10) ) (11) ) (12) )
$regex [1] TRUE $subexpressions 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 FALSE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE TRUE FALSE FALSE TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 FALSE TRUE FALSE TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE
construct( `1` = "(" %:)% "group and capture to \\1:", `2` = "\\d{0,2}" %:)% "digits (0-9) (between 0 and 2 times (matching the most amount possible))", `3` = ":" %:)% "':'", `4` = "\\d{2}" %:)% "digits (0-9) (2 times)", `5` = "(?:" %:)% "group, but do not capture (optional (matching the most amount possible)):", `6` = "[:.]" %:)% "any character of: ':', '.'", `7` = "\\d+" %:)% "digits (0-9) (1 or more times (matching the most amount possible))", `8` = ")?" %:)% "end of grouping", `9` = ")" %:)% "end of \\1", `10` = "(" %:)% "group and capture to \\2:", `11` = "\\s+" %:)% "whitespace (\n, \r, \t, \f, and \" \") (1 or more times (matching the most amount possible))", `12` = "(" %:)% "group and capture to \\3:", `13` = "(" %:)% "group and capture to \\4:", `14` = "[AP]" %:)% "any character of: 'A', 'P'", `15` = "\\.{0,1}" %:)% "'.' (between 0 and 1 times (matching the most amount possible))", `16` = "M" %:)% "'M'", `17` = "\\.{0,1}" %:)% "'.' (between 0 and 1 times (matching the most amount possible))", `18` = ")" %:)% "end of \\4", `19` = "|" %:)% "OR", `20` = "(" %:)% "group and capture to \\5:", `21` = "[ap]" %:)% "any character of: 'a', 'p'", `22` = "\\.{0,1}" %:)% "'.' (between 0 and 1 times (matching the most amount possible))", `23` = "m" %:)% "'m'", `24` = "\\.{0,1}" %:)% "'.' (between 0 and 1 times (matching the most amount possible))", `25` = ")" %:)% "end of \\5", `26` = ")" %:)% "end of \\3", `27` = ")" %:)% "end of \\2" )
## On Windows copy to clipboard get_construct(out, file="clipboard") ## No names & comments behind sub-expressions myregex2 <- "(\\s*[a-z]+)([^)]+\\))" get_construct(as.regexr(myregex2, names=FALSE))
construct( "(" %:)% "group and capture to \\1:", "\\s*" %:)% "whitespace (\n, \r, \t, \f, and \" \") (0 or more times (matching the most amount possible))", "[a-z]+" %:)% "any character of: 'a' to 'z' (1 or more times (matching the most amount possible))", ")" %:)% "end of \\1", "(" %:)% "group and capture to \\2:", "[^)]+" %:)% "any character except: ')' (1 or more times (matching the most amount possible))", "\\)" %:)% "')'", ")" %:)% "end of \\2" )
get_construct(as.regexr(myregex2, names=FALSE, names.above = TRUE, comments.below = TRUE))
construct( "(" %:)%"group and capture to \\1:", "\\s*" %:)%"whitespace (\n, \r, \t, \f, and \" \") (0 or more times (matching the most amount possible))", "[a-z]+" %:)%"any character of: 'a' to 'z' (1 or more times (matching the most amount possible))", ")" %:)%"end of \\1", "(" %:)%"group and capture to \\2:", "[^)]+" %:)%"any character except: ')' (1 or more times (matching the most amount possible))", "\\)" %:)%"')'", ")" %:)%"end of \\2" )