Print Context Around Indices


trans_context(text.var, grouping.var, inds, n.before = 3, tot = TRUE, n.after = n.before, ord.inds = TRUE)


The text variable.
The grouping variables. Also takes a single grouping variable or a list of 1 or more grouping variables.
A list of integer indices to print context for.
The number of rows before the indexed occurrence.
logical. If TRUE condenses sub-units (e.g., sentences) into turns of talk for that grouping.var.
The number of rows after the indexed occurrence.
logical. If TRUE inds is ordered least to greatest.

Print Context Around Indices


Returns a dataframe of the class "qdap_context" that can be printed (i.e., saved) in flexible outputs. The dataframe can be printed as a dataframe style or pretty text output. The resulting file contains n rows before and after each index of a vector of indices.


Print (or save to an external file) n text elements before and after indices.


## <strong>Not run</strong>: # (x <- with(DATA, trans_context(state, person, inds=c(1, 4, 7, 11)))) # print(x, pretty=FALSE) # print(x, double_space = FALSE) # print(x, file="foo.xlsx") # print(x, file="foo.csv") # print(x, file="foo.txt") # print(x, file="foo.txt", pretty = FALSE) # print(x, file="foo.doc") # # ## With `end_mark` # inds1 <- which(end_mark(DATA.SPLIT[, "state"]) == "?") # with(DATA.SPLIT, trans_context(state, person, inds=inds1)) # with(DATA.SPLIT, trans_context(state, person, n.before = 0, inds=inds1)) # # ## With `boolean_search` # inds2 <- boolean_search(DATA.SPLIT$state, " I &&.") # with(DATA.SPLIT, trans_context(state, person, inds=inds2)) # # inds3 <- boolean_search(DATA$state, " I ||.") # with(DATA.SPLIT, trans_context(state, person, inds=inds3)) # with(DATA.SPLIT, trans_context(state, list(person, sex), inds=inds3)) # with(DATA.SPLIT, trans_context(state, list(sex, adult), inds=inds3)) # # inds4 <- boolean_search(raj$dialogue, spaste(paste(negation.words, collapse = " || "))) # trans_context(raj$dialogue, raj$person, inds4) # # ### With `question_type` # (x <- question_type(DATA.SPLIT$state, DATA.SPLIT$person)) # # ## All questions # with(DATA.SPLIT, trans_context(state, person, inds=x$inds)) # # ## Specific question types # y <- x[["raw"]] # inds5 <- y[y[, "q.type"] %in% qcv(what, how), "n.row"] # with(DATA.SPLIT, trans_context(state, person, inds=inds5)) # with(DATA.SPLIT, trans_context(state, person, inds=inds5, tot=F)) # ## <strong>End(Not run)</strong>

See also

boolean_search, question_type, end_mark