Read/Write Multiple csv Files at a Time


mcsv_r(files, a.names = NULL, = NULL, list = TRUE, pos = 1, envir = as.environment(pos))
mcsv_w(..., dir = NULL, open = FALSE, sep = ", ", dataframes = NULL, pos = 1, envir = as.environment(pos))


csv file(s) to read.
object names to assign the csv file(s) to. If NULL assigns the name(s) of the csv files in the directory, without the file extension, to the objects in the global environment.
A single character string of a name to assign to the list if dataframes created by the csv files being read in. Default (NULL) uses L1.
logical. If TRUE then a list of dataframes is crated in the global environment in addition to the individual dataframes.
where to do the removal. By default, uses the current environment.
the environment to use.
optional directory names. If NULL a directory will be created in the working directory with the data and time stamp as the folder name.
logical. If TRUE opens the directory upon completion.
A character string to separate the terms.
An optional character vector of dataframes in lieu of ... argument.
data.frame object(s) to write to a file or a list of data.frame objects. If the objects in a list are unnamed V + digit will be assigned. Lists of dataframes (e.g., the output from termco or polarity) can be passed as well.

Read/Write Multiple csv Files at a Time


mcsv_r - reads in multiple csv files at once.

mcsv_w - creates a directory with multiple csv files. Silently returns the path of the directory.


mcsv_r - Read and assign multiple csv files at the same time.

mcsv_w - Write multiple csv files into a file at the same time.


mcsv is short for "multiple csv" and the suffix c(_r, _w) stands for "read" (r) or "write" (w).


mcsv_r is useful for reading in multiple csv files from cm_df.temp for interaction with cm_range2long.


## <strong>Not run</strong>: # ## mcsv_r EXAMPLE: # mtcarsb <- mtcars[1:5, ]; CO2b <- CO2[1:5, ] # (a <- mcsv_w(mtcarsb, CO2b, dir="foo")) # rm("mtcarsb", "CO2b") # gone from .GlobalEnv # (nms <- dir(a)) # mcsv_r(file.path(a, nms)) # mtcarsb; CO2b # rm("mtcarsb", "CO2b") # gone from .GlobalEnv # mcsv_r(file.path(a, nms), paste0("foo.dat", 1:2)) # foo.dat1; foo.dat2 # rm("foo.dat1", "foo.dat2") # gone from .GlobalEnv # library(reports); delete("foo") # # ## mcsv_w EXAMPLES: # (a <- mcsv_w(mtcars, CO2, dir="foo")) # delete("foo") # # ## Write lists of dataframes as well # poldat <- with(DATA.SPLIT, polarity(state, person)) # term <- c("the ", "she", " wh") # termdat <- with(raj.act.1, termco(dialogue, person, term)) # mcsv_w(poldat, termdat, mtcars, CO2, dir="foo2") # delete("foo2") # ## <strong>End(Not run)</strong>

See also

cm_range2long, cm_df.temp, condense, assign