gradient_cloud(text.var, bigroup.var, rev.binary = FALSE, X = "red", Y = "blue", stem = FALSE, stopwords = NULL, caps = TRUE, caps.list = NULL, I.list = TRUE, random.order = FALSE, rot.per = 0, min.freq = 1, max.word.size = NULL, min.word.size = 0.5, breaks = 10, cloud.font = NULL, title = NULL, title.font = NULL, title.color = "black", title.padj = 0.25, title.location = 3, title.cex = NULL, legend.cex = 0.8, legend.location = c(0.025, 0.025, 0.25, 0.04), char2space = "~~")
the ordering of the binary levels of
bigroup.var is reversed.TRUE
the text.var
will be stemmed.TRUE
selected words will be capitalized.caps
must be
capitalizes I words and contractions.FALSE
, they will be
plotted in decreasing frequency.NULL
are equivalent to 1.0.NULL
are equivalent to 1.0.Plots a gradient word cloud and invisibly returns the dataframe used to make the cloud.
Produces a gradient word cloud colored by a binary grouping variable.
Breaking is done using quantile
. This will
ensure a certain percentage of words will be colored at each bin.
## <strong>Not run</strong>: # DATA$state <- space_fill(DATA$state, c("is fun", "too fun", "you liar")) # # gradient_cloud(DATA$state, DATA$sex, title="fun") # gradient_cloud(DATA$state, DATA$sex, title="fun", rev.binary = TRUE) # gradient_cloud(DATA$state, DATA$sex, title="fun", max.word.size = 5, # min.word.size = .025) # # with(mraja1, gradient_cloud(dialogue, died, stopwords = Top25Words, # rot.per = .5, title="Heatcloud", title.color="orange", title.cex=1.75)) # x <- with(subset(mraja1, fam.aff %in% qcv(cap, mont)), # gradient_cloud(dialogue, fam.aff)) # head(x) # # ## 2012 U.S. Presidential Debates # invisible(lapply(split(pres_debates2012, pres_debates2012$time), function(x) { # x <- x[x$person %in% qcv(ROMNEY, OBAMA), ] # # gradient_cloud(x$dialogue, x$person, # title = paste("Debate", char2end(x$time[1])), # stopwords = BuckleySaltonSWL, # X = "blue", Y = "red", # max.word.size = 2.2, # min.word.size = 0.55 # ) # })) # # ## <strong>End(Not run)</strong>