Formality Score


formality(text.var, grouping.var = NULL, = TRUE, digits = 2, ...)


The text variable (or an object from pos, pos_by or formality. Passing the later three object will greatly reduce run time.
The grouping variables. Default NULL generates one word list for all text. Also takes a single grouping variable or a list of 1 or more grouping variables.
logical. If TRUE orders the results by formality score.
The number of digits displayed.
Other arguments passed to pos_by.

Formality Score


A list containing at the following components: textThe text variable POStaggedRaw part of speech for every word of the text variable POSpropPart of speech proportion for every word of the text variable POSfreqPart of speech count for every word of the text variable part of speech count for every word of the text variable by grouping variable(s) part of speech proportion for every word of the text variable by grouping variable(s) form.freq.byThe nine broad part of speech categories count for every word of the text variable by grouping variable(s) form.prop.byThe nine broad part of speech categories proportion for every word of the text variable by grouping variable(s) formalityFormality scores by grouping variable(s) pos.reshapedAn expanded formality scores output (grouping, word.count, pos & form.class) by word


Transcript apply formality score by grouping variable(s) and optionally plot the breakdown of the model.


Heylighen & Dewaele(2002)'s formality score is calculated as:

F = 50(n_f-n_c/N + 1)


f = {noun,adjective, preposition, article}
c = {pronoun, verb, adverb, interjection}
N = \sum(f + c + conjunctions)


Heylighen & Dewaele (2002) state, "At present, a sample would probably need to contain a few hundred words for the measure to be minimally reliable. For single sentences, the F-value should only be computed for purposes of illustration" (p. 24).


Heylighen, F., & Dewaele, J.M. (2002). Variation in the contextuality of language: An empirical measure. Context in Context, Special issue of Foundations of Science, 7 (3), 293-340.


## <strong>Not run</strong>: # with(DATA, formality(state, person)) # (x1 <- with(DATA, formality(state, list(sex, adult)))) # plot(x1) # plot(x1, short.names = FALSE) # # scores(x1) # counts(x1) # proportions(x1) # preprocessed(x1) # # plot(scores(x1)) # plot(counts(x1)) # plot(proportions(x1), high="darkgreen") # plot(preprocessed(x1)) # # data(rajPOS) #A data set consisting of a pos list object # x2 <- with(raj, formality(rajPOS, act)) # plot(x2) # cumulative(x2) # x3 <- with(raj, formality(rajPOS, person)) # plot(x3, bar.colors="Dark2") # plot(x3, bar.colors=c("Dark2", "Set1")) # x4 <- with(raj, formality(rajPOS, list(person, act))) # plot(x4, bar.colors=c("Dark2", "Set1")) # # rajDEM <- key_merge(raj, raj.demographics) #merge demographics with transcript. # x5 <- with(rajDEM, formality(rajPOS, sex)) # plot(x5, bar.colors="RdBu") # x6 <- with(rajDEM, formality(rajPOS, list(fam.aff, sex))) # plot(x6, bar.colors="RdBu") # x7 <- with(rajDEM, formality(rajPOS, list(died, fam.aff))) # plot(x7, bar.colors="RdBu", point.cex=2, point.pch = 3) # x8 <- with(rajDEM, formality(rajPOS, list(died, sex))) # plot(x8, bar.colors="RdBu", point.cex=2, point.pch = "|") # # names(x8) # colsplit2df(x8$formality) # # #pass an object from pos or pos_by # ltruncdf(with(raj, formality(x8 , list(act, person))), 6, 4) # # #=============# # ## ANIMATION ## # #=============# # ## EXAMPLE 1 # form_ani <- formality(DATA.SPLIT$state, DATA.SPLIT$person) # forma <- Animate(form_ani, contextual="white", formal="blue", # current.color = "yellow", current.speaker.color="grey70") # # bgb <- vertex_apply(forma, label.color="grey80", size=20, color="grey40") # bgb <- edge_apply(bgb, label.color="yellow") # # print(bgb, bg="black", net.legend.color ="white", pause=1) # # ## EXAMPLE 2 # form_ani2 <- formality(raj.act.1POS, mraja1spl$person) # forma2 <- Animate(form_ani2, contextual="white", formal="blue", # current.color = "yellow", current.speaker.color="grey70") # # bgb2 <- vertex_apply(forma2, label.color="grey80", size=17, color="grey40") # bgb2 <- edge_apply(bgb2, label.color="yellow") # print(bgb2, bg="black", pause=.75, net.legend.color = "white") # # ## EXAMPLE 3 (bar plot) # Animate(form_ani2, # # #=====================# # ## Complex Animation ## # #=====================# # library(animation) # library(grid) # library(gridBase) # library(qdap) # library(reports) # library(igraph) # library(plotrix) # # form_ani2 <- formality(raj.act.1POS, mraja1spl$person) # # ## Set up the network version # form_net <- Animate(form_ani2, contextual="white", formal="blue", # current.color = "yellow", current.speaker.color="grey70") # bgb <- vertex_apply(form_net, label.color="grey80", size=17, color="grey40") # bgb <- edge_apply(bgb, label.color="yellow") # # # ## Set up the bar version # form_bar <- Animate(form_ani2, # # ## Generate a folder # loc <- reports::folder(animation_formality) # # ## Set up the plotting function # oopt <- animation::ani.options(interval = 0.1) # # # FUN <- function(follow=FALSE, theseq = seq_along(bgb)) { # # Title <- "Animated Formality: Romeo and Juliet Act 1" # Legend <- c(.2, -1, 1.5, -.95) # Legend.cex <- 1 # # lapply(theseq, function(i) { # if (follow) { # png(file=sprintf("%s/images/Rplot%s.png", loc, i), # width=650, height=725) # } # ## Set up the layout # layout(matrix(c(rep(1, 9), rep(2, 4)), 13, 1, byrow = TRUE)) # # ## Plot 1 # par(mar=c(2, 0, 2, 0), bg="black") # #par(mar=c(2, 0, 2, 0)) # set.seed(22) # plot.igraph(bgb[[i]], edge.curved=TRUE) # mtext(Title, side=3, col="white") # color.legend(Legend[1], Legend[2], Legend[3], Legend[4], # c("Contextual", "Formal"), attributes(bgb)[["legend"]], # cex = Legend.cex, col="white") # # ## Plot2 # # vps <- baseViewports() # # uns <- unit(c(-1.3,.5,-.75,.25), "cm") # p <- form_bar[[i]] + # theme(plot.margin = uns, # text=element_text(color="white"), # legend.text=element_text(color="white"), # legend.background = element_rect(fill = "black"), # plot.background = element_rect(fill = "black", # color="black")) # print(p,vp = vpStack(vps$figure,vps$plot)) # animation::ani.pause() # # if (follow) { # # } # }) # # } # # FUN() # # ## Detect OS # type <- if(.Platform$OS.type == "windows") shell else system # # saveHTML(FUN(, 1:20), autoplay = FALSE, loop = TRUE, verbose = FALSE, # ani.height = 1000, ani.width=650, # outdir = loc, single.opts = # "'controls': ['first', 'play', 'loop', 'speed'], 'delayMin': 0") # # FUN(TRUE) # # #==================# # ## Static Network ## # #==================# # (formdat <- with(sentSplit(DATA, 4), formality(state, person))) # m <- Network(formdat) # m # print(m, bg="grey97", vertex.color="grey75") # # print(m, title="Formality Discourse Map", title.color="white", bg="black", # legend.text.color="white", vertex.label.color = "grey70", # edge.label.color="yellow") # # ## or use themes: # # m + qtheme() # m + theme_nightheat # # m + theme_nightheat(title="Formality Discourse Map", # vertex.label.color = "grey50") # # #===============================# # ## Formality Over Time Example ## # #===============================# # formpres <- lapply(with( pres_debates2012, split(dialogue, time)), function(x) { # formality(x) # }) # formplots <- lapply(seq_along(formpres), function(i) { # m <- plot(cumulative(formpres[[i]])) # if (i != 2) m <- m + ylab("") # if (i != 3) m <- m + xlab(NULL) # m + ggtitle(paste("Debate", i)) # }) # # library(grid) # library(gridExtra) #, formplots) # ## <strong>End(Not run)</strong>