A Generic to Long Function


cm_2long(..., v.name = "variable", list.var = TRUE, debug = TRUE)


An optional name for the column created for the list.var argument.
logical. If TRUE creates a column for the data frame created by each time.list passed to cm_t2l.
logical. If TRUE debugging mode is on. cm_time2long will return possible errors in time span inputs.
list object(s) in the form generated by cm_df.temp, cm_range.temp, or cm_time.temp.

A Generic to Long Function


Returns a long data.frame of the correct cm_XXX classes.


A wrapper for cm_df2long, cm_range2long, and cm_time2long that automatically detects the objects being read and outputs the correct form and class.


## <strong>Not run</strong>: # ## cm_range2long use: # foo <- list( # person_greg = qcv(terms='7:11, 20:24, 30:33, 49:56'), # person_researcher = qcv(terms='42:48'), # person_sally = qcv(terms='25:29, 37:41'), # person_sam = qcv(terms='1:6, 16:19, 34:36'), # person_teacher = qcv(terms='12:15'), # adult_0 = qcv(terms='1:11, 16:41, 49:56'), # adult_1 = qcv(terms='12:15, 42:48'), # AA = qcv(terms="1"), # BB = qcv(terms="1:2, 3:10, 19"), # CC = qcv(terms="1:9, 100:150") # ) # # foo2 <- list( # person_greg = qcv(terms='7:11, 20:24, 30:33, 49:56'), # person_researcher = qcv(terms='42:48'), # person_sally = qcv(terms='25:29, 37:41'), # person_sam = qcv(terms='1:6, 16:19, 34:36'), # person_teacher = qcv(terms='12:15'), # adult_0 = qcv(terms='1:11, 16:41, 49:56'), # adult_1 = qcv(terms='12:15, 42:48'), # AA = qcv(terms="40"), # BB = qcv(terms="50:90"), # CC = qcv(terms="60:90, 100:120, 150"), # DD = qcv(terms="") # ) # # cm_2long(foo, foo2, v.name = "time") # # ## cm_time2long use: # x <- list( # transcript_time_span = qcv(00:00 - 1:12:00), # A = qcv(terms = "2.40:3.00, 5.01, 6.02:7.00, 9.00"), # B = qcv(terms = "2.40, 3.01:3.02, 5.01, 6.02:7.00, # 9.00, 1.12.00:1.19.01"), # C = qcv(terms = "2.40:3.00, 5.01, 6.02:7.00, 9.00, 17.01") # ) # cm_2long(x) # # ## cm_df2long use: # codes <- qcv(dc, sf, wes, pol, rejk, lk, azx, mmm) # x1 <- cm_df.temp(DATA, "state", codes) # #fill it randomly # x1[, 7:14] <- lapply(7:14, function(i) sample(0:1, nrow(x1), TRUE)) # out2 <- cm_2long(x1) # head(out2, 15) # plot(out2) # ## <strong>End(Not run)</strong>

See also

cm_df2long, cm_range2long, cm_time2long