Remove/Replace/Extract Brackets


rm_bracket(text.var, pattern = "all", trim = TRUE, clean = TRUE, replacement = "", extract = FALSE, include.markers = ifelse(extract, FALSE, TRUE), dictionary = getOption("regex.library"), ...)
rm_round(text.var, pattern = "(", trim = TRUE, clean = TRUE, replacement = "", extract = FALSE, include.markers = ifelse(extract, FALSE, TRUE), dictionary = getOption("regex.library"), ...)
rm_square(text.var, pattern = "[", trim = TRUE, clean = TRUE, replacement = "", extract = FALSE, include.markers = ifelse(extract, FALSE, TRUE), dictionary = getOption("regex.library"), ...)
rm_curly(text.var, pattern = "{", trim = TRUE, clean = TRUE, replacement = "", extract = FALSE, include.markers = ifelse(extract, FALSE, TRUE), dictionary = getOption("regex.library"), ...)
rm_angle(text.var, pattern = "<", trim = TRUE, clean = TRUE, replacement = "", extract = FALSE, include.markers = ifelse(extract, FALSE, TRUE), dictionary = getOption("regex.library"), ...)
rm_bracket_multiple(text.var, trim = TRUE, clean = TRUE, pattern = "all", replacement = "", extract = FALSE, include.markers = FALSE, merge = TRUE)


The text variable.
The type of bracket (and encased text) to remove. This is one or more of the strings "curly"/"\{", "square"/"[", "round"/"(", "angle"/"<" and "all". These strings correspond to: {, [, (, < or all four types.
logical. If TRUE removes leading and trailing white spaces.
trim logical. If TRUE extra white spaces and escaped character will be removed.
Replacement for matched pattern.
logical. If TRUE the bracketed text is extracted into a list of vectors.
logical. If TRUE and extract = TRUE returns the markers (left/right) and the text between.
A dictionary of canned regular expressions to search within if pattern begins with "@rm_".
logical. If TRUE the results of each bracket type will be merged by string. FALSE returns a named list of lists of vectors of bracketed text per bracket type.
Other arguments passed to gsub.


rm_bracket - returns a character string with multiple brackets removed. If extract = TRUE the results are optionally merged and named by bracket type. This is more flexible than rm_bracket but slower.

rm_round - returns a character string with round brackets removed.

rm_square - returns a character string with square brackets removed.

rm_curly - returns a character string with curly brackets removed.

rm_angle - returns a character string with angle brackets removed.

rm_bracket_multiple - returns a character string with multiple brackets removed. If extract = TRUE the results are optionally merged and named by bracket type. This is more flexible than rm_bracket but slower.


Remove/replace/extract bracketed strings.


examp <- structure(list(person = structure(c(1L, 2L, 1L, 3L), .Label = c("bob", "greg", "sue"), class = "factor"), text = c("I love chicken [unintelligible]!", "Me too! (laughter) It's so good.[interrupting]", "Yep it's awesome {reading}.", "Agreed. {is so much fun}")), .Names = c("person", "text"), row.names = c(NA, -4L), class = "data.frame") examp
person text 1 bob I love chicken [unintelligible]! 2 greg Me too! (laughter) It's so good.[interrupting] 3 bob Yep it's awesome {reading}. 4 sue Agreed. {is so much fun}
rm_bracket(examp$text, pattern = "square")
[1] "I love chicken !" "Me too! (laughter) It's so good." "Yep it's awesome {reading}." [4] "Agreed. {is so much fun}"
rm_bracket(examp$text, pattern = "curly")
[1] "I love chicken [unintelligible]!" "Me too! (laughter) It's so good.[interrupting]" [3] "Yep it's awesome ." "Agreed."
rm_bracket(examp$text, pattern = c("square", "round"))
[1] "I love chicken !" "Me too! It's so good." "Yep it's awesome {reading}." "Agreed. {is so much fun}"
[1] "I love chicken !" "Me too! It's so good." "Yep it's awesome ." "Agreed."
rm_bracket(examp$text, pattern = "square", extract=TRUE)
[[1]] [1] "unintelligible" [[2]] [1] "interrupting" [[3]] [1] NA [[4]] [1] NA
rm_bracket(examp$text, pattern = "curly", extract=TRUE)
[[1]] [1] NA [[2]] [1] NA [[3]] [1] "reading" [[4]] [1] "is so much fun"
rm_bracket(examp$text, pattern = c("square", "round"), extract=TRUE)
[[1]] [1] "unintelligible" [[2]] [1] "laughter" "interrupting" [[3]] [1] NA [[4]] [1] NA
rm_bracket(examp$text, pattern = c("square", "round"), merge = FALSE, extract=TRUE)
[[1]] [1] "unintelligible" [[2]] [1] "laughter" "interrupting" [[3]] [1] NA [[4]] [1] NA
rm_bracket(examp$text, extract=TRUE)
[[1]] [1] "unintelligible" [[2]] [1] "laughter" "interrupting" [[3]] [1] "reading" [[4]] [1] "is so much fun"
rm_bracket(examp$tex, include.markers=TRUE, extract=TRUE)
[[1]] [1] "[unintelligible]" [[2]] [1] "(laughter)" "[interrupting]" [[3]] [1] "{reading}" [[4]] [1] "{is so much fun}"
## <strong>Not run</strong>: # library(qdap) # rm_bracket(examp$tex, pattern="curly", extract=TRUE) %>% # unlist() %>% # na.omit() %>% # paste2() # ## <strong>End(Not run)</strong> x <- "I like [bots] (not). And <likely> many do not {he he}" rm_round(x)
[1] "I like [bots] . And <likely> many do not {he he}"
rm_round(x, extract = TRUE)
[[1]] [1] "not"
rm_round(x, include.marker = FALSE)
[1] "I like [bots] (). And <likely> many do not {he he}"
rm_round(x, extract = TRUE, include.marker = TRUE)
[[1]] [1] "(not)"
[1] "I like (not). And <likely> many do not {he he}"
rm_square(x, extract = TRUE)
[[1]] [1] "bots"
[1] "I like [bots] (not). And <likely> many do not"
rm_curly(x, extract = TRUE)
[[1]] [1] "he he"
[1] "I like [bots] (not). And many do not {he he}"
rm_angle(x, extract = TRUE)
[[1]] [1] "likely"
lapply(rm_between('She said, "I am!" and he responded..."Am what?".', left='"', right='"', extract = TRUE), "[", c(TRUE, FALSE))
[[1]] [1] "I am!"