Package Information


p_information(package = "base", ..., fields = NULL)
p_info(package = "base", ..., fields = NULL)


Name of the package to grab information for. Default is "base".
A character vector giving the tags of fields to return (for use inside of functions rather than ...).
Names of fields (see fields argument) to extract.

Package Information

Package Information


Returns a list of fields.


Provides the information from for a package from the NAMESPACE. Information may include: title, version, author, maintainer, description, depends, imports, suggests


Note that the output from p_information (when no fields are passed) prints pretty but is actually an accessible list (use names(p_info()) test).


Package: base Version: 3.2.0 Priority: base Title: The R Base Package Author: R Core Team and contributors worldwide Maintainer: R Core Team <> Description: Base R functions. License: Part of R 3.2.0 Built: R 3.2.0; ; 2015-02-14 03:18:45 UTC; windows -- File: C:/R/R-devel/library/base/Meta/package.rds
Package: base Version: 3.2.0 Priority: base Title: The R Base Package Author: R Core Team and contributors worldwide Maintainer: R Core Team <> Description: Base R functions. License: Part of R 3.2.0 Built: R 3.2.0; ; 2015-02-14 03:18:45 UTC; windows -- File: C:/R/R-devel/library/base/Meta/package.rds
[1] "Package" "Version" "Priority" "Title" "Author" "Maintainer" "Description" "License" [9] "Built"
$Package [1] "base" $Version [1] "3.2.0" $Priority [1] "base" $Title [1] "The R Base Package" $Author [1] "R Core Team and contributors worldwide" $Maintainer [1] "R Core Team <>" $Description [1] "Base R functions." $License [1] "Part of R 3.2.0" $Built [1] "R 3.2.0; ; 2015-02-14 03:18:45 UTC; windows"
Package: pacman Type: Package Title: Package Management Tool Version: 0.3.0 Date: 2012-06-03 Authors@R: c(person("Tyler", "Rinker", role = c("aut", "cre", "ctb"), email = ""), person("Dason", "Kurkiewicz", role = c("aut", "ctb"), email = "")) Author: Tyler Rinker [aut, cre, ctb], Dason Kurkiewicz [aut, ctb] Maintainer: Tyler Rinker <> Depends: R (>= 2.13.0) Imports: devtools Suggests: knitr, lattice, testthat, XML BugReports: Description: Tools to more conveniently perform tasks associated with add on packages. pacman conveniently wraps library and package related functions and names them in an intuitive and consistent fashion. It seeks to combine functionality from lower level functions which can speed up workflow. License: GPL-2 URL: Roxygen: list(wrap = FALSE) VignetteBuilder: knitr -- File: C:\Users\Tyler\GitHub\pacman/DESCRIPTION
p_info(pacman, Author)
$Author [1] "Tyler Rinker [aut, cre, ctb], Dason Kurkiewicz [aut, ctb]"
p_info(pacman, BugReports, URL)
$BugReports [1] "" $URL [1] ""
p_info(pacman, fields = "Version")
$Version [1] "0.3.0"
## <strong>Not run</strong>: # p_extract(p_info(ggplot2, "Depends")) # p_extract(p_info(ggplot2, "Imports")) # lapply(p_info(ggplot2, "Imports", "Depends", "Suggests"), p_extract) # ## <strong>End(Not run)</strong>

See also

packageDescription, p_information