mp4_interval(path, out = file.path(dirname(path), "interval.mp4"), from = "00:00:00.0", to = NULL, duration = NULL, ffmpeg = NULL)
or duration
) in the form of "00:00:00.0"
or duration
) in
the form of "00:00:00.0" ("hh:mm:ss.d") or numeric
seconds.Returns an interval .mp4.
Grab .mp4 video from time 1 to time 2 and output a new .mp4.
User must have mmpeg installed.
## Not run: # mp4_interval("foo.mp4", from="00:00:05.5", duration="00:00:06.5")# mp4_interval("foo.mp4", from="00:00:05.5", duration=6)# mp4_interval("foo.mp4", from="00:00:05.5", to="00:00:15.5")# ## End(Not run)